Hari Keluarga

Commercial and Business Area Waste Management
From a request to provide a solution to the problem arising from the Business Area waste as we received the data, we submit the results of the analysis (base on secondary data) of its composition 1. the largest organic category of leftover cooking and food (kitchen waste)2. various types of plastic (PET, and all types…
The company PT Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana (CVSK) by the method of Biophos_kkogas [Biodigester-Piroliser-Komposter-Gasifier] has experienced since 2005 in the position of mentoring and provider of machine tools for processing domestic waste. As a potential partner, especially in the generation of waste in the area of commercial scale ranging from 20 tons per day, now…

Land Reclamation of Mining Areas from Organic Waste Management
The need for organic material in the post-mining area is very large. The potential of organic waste which includes leftovers from cooking and food (food waste) and cattle livestock waste around the area becomes important to carry out reclamation. The mine reclamation obligation has been regulated by Law no. 4 of 2009 Article 96 and…

Roti Kece Isi Selai Buah Alami
ROTI MURAH, SEHAT DAN MENGENYANGKAN HASIL BIOINDUSTRI TEPUNG DAN BUAH Roti Kece ini terbuat dari bahan tepung terigu, tepung mocaf cassava, telur, margarine dan gula pasir dengan isian selai ( varian melon, nanas, kesemek, buah naga, jambu, dll). Roti Kece isian selai Buah alami dikemas per 10 biji masing2 berat360 gram. Isian roti adalah Selai…

Prasmanan Sehat Murah di Buffet Kece
PAKET ALL YOU CAN EAT ROTI, ANEKA SELAI DAN SARI BUAH RP 15.000/ Pax Sari dan Selai berbahan buah2an segar dan aneka roti dari tepung Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) ketela yang dihasilkan Bandung Selatan, mulai senin ( 25 Juni) setiap hari dibuka prasmanan di Buffet KECE, KencanaOnline Cafe & Eatery – Kece Jl Raya Banjaran…