Realizing that in the future, chemical fertilizers ( inorganic) as a non-renewable natural materials ( unrenewable) will be increasingly reduced availability, as well as, on the other hand, there is a health awareness of the importance of natural food ( organic) – since 2004, CVSK develop fertilizer technology sources of biological and organic fertilizers. Supports it, the next is presented also means making waste into organic fertilizer compost ( composter manual, electric composter, and Rotary Kiln various capacities). For large scale, machine tools are also available with a choice of Rotary Klin capacity of waste from 1 m3 ( 1 / 3 Ton) , 3 m3 equivalent of 1 ton to 6 m3 ( 2 Ton) / engine units.
In the category of material of organic fertilizer ( compost) , CVSK has managed to isolate microbial decomposers and garbage ( probiotics) and various minerals for the continuity of modern composting, hygienic and quick. Microbial decomposers are compost activators and minerals are bulking material ( bulking agent) – who both branded Green Phoskko ® . For the continuity of effective and efficient decomposition, developed machine tools ( composter) Bioposko ® whether the household scale, and environmental scale Rotary Kiln scale commercial business. Compost is very beneficial for the hobbies and park managers in making compost by using raw materials derived from domestic waste or, for entrepreneurs to get business – which produces faster than manage waste in homes, factories, markets or apartment environment. In fact, for the cities that have problems with landfill and waste management BioPoskko® will help reduce the waste completely from the source or location of the waste ( families or households, restaurants, malls, markets, factory canteen, vegetable markets and hotels) .
Green Phoskko® Compost Activator [250 gr] is pre-eminent microbe consortium (bakteri aktinomycetes- spesies aktinomyces naeslundii, Lactobacillus spesies delbrueckii, Bacillus Brevis, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, ragi, dan jamur serta Cellulolytic Bacillus Sp, bakteri aktinomycetes, ragi, dan jamur) organic decomposing materials (town waste, agriculture, ranch and others). Useful to quicken the decomposition process, deodorizing to decay and depress growth of microbe of pathogen.
[1] One Kg of Green Phoskko® Compost Activator (bakteri aktinomycetes- spesies aktinomyces naeslundii, Lactobacillus spesies delbrueckii, Bacillus Brevis, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, ragi, dan jamur serta Cellulolytic Bacillus Sp, bakteri aktinomycetes, ragi, dan jamur) can be used for scrapheap about 3 – 6 m3.