Electric Composter Biophoskko® KE-100L created to fulfill the wishes of the hobies plants, flowers and environmentalists who have a passion, concern and desire independently processed organic waste ( ie, material derived from living plants, animals and humans) in order obtain compos. Dimensions ( Length x Width x Height) KE-100L Electrical Composter is (55 cm x 55 cm x 85 cm, can be loaded 80 Units / Container 20 feet) .
Made of fiber glass, plastic and assembly of motor engine results ( assembling) factory in Bandung and miscellaneous spare parts washing machines in the city of Batam, require electrical power ( 330 watt, 220 volt). By electrically Biophoskko® Composter, composting of solid and particularly in producing liquid organic fertilizer compost becomes easy and highly practical. Special advantages Electric Composter KE-100L is to produce liquid compost ( CCP). With flush
button switch ( Spinning) when the dough is ripe compost can be separated between the compost solid with liquid compost. On the main goal to make compost liquid to continually do until the obtained amount of flushing liquid fertilizer output as desired or until a clear lsoid compost.

CAUTION: Liquid-Organic Compost generated from the aerobic process in electric composter is a thick solution with a high nutrient content, do not forget to add 20 to 30 parts water before use on crops.