Fertilizer is a material that is added to the growing media or plant to meet nutrient requirements, which generally is not enough just to rely on its availability in the soil for plants above. Providing all the necessary plant nutrient, to to be able to produce well, fertilizer materials can be either organic matter or non-organic ( mineral or chemical). Fertilizer is different from supplements, fertilizers contain raw materials needed growth and development of plants, while hormone supplements such as herbs help smooth the process of metabolism. Even so, into fertilizer, especially fertilizers, supplements can be added a number of materials.
In the provision of fertilizer to note the need for the type and proportion for each plant, so plants do not get too many nutrients. Too few or too many types and quantities of food substances can be harmful to plants. Increased agricultural production can be achieved through appropriate technology approach, among others, by applying a balanced fertilizer technology specific location. Currently, the recommended fertilization technology is hardly practiced by most of Indonesian farmers, causing fertilization becomes unbalanced. The low knowledge of the importance of garden soil fertility data and carrying capacity of the plant nutrients for growth and production is characterized by low levels of productivity compared to crop genetics.
In support of balanced fertilization method can be performed using several types of single nutrients that are mixed in a simple (simple blending), or mixed mechanically (mechanical blending) or by chemically mixing technology ( chemical blending) called compound fertilizer with nutrient composition or certain formula. While site-specific fertilization is approached by reading secondary data map of soil fertility in a region followed by listening to customer information will condition the garden. Information about the condition of crops farmers can also visually provide basic data for calculation of nutrient composition for preparing a fertilizer that will be manufactured at the factory.

Presentation fertilizer plant based on real needs will prevent excess use of chemical fertilizers, which has often done the farmers to pursue an increase in production. In fact, excess fertilizer (chemical) can actually harm plants. And, in a way that is still traditional fertilization, conducted spread over the soil surface, 70% can be vaporized and carried by the flow of water. With the appearance of fertilizer tablet is formed, on the compounds according to the need for the type and dose per plant, the application of submerged at a depth of 15 cm from ground level, this fertilizer can help prevent damage to soil contamination due to pollutants. Chemical fertilizers with the appearance and application methods as above, can be regarded as an environmentally friendly fertilizer.
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